We just returned from ABR Montreal yesterday afternoon. After 8 hours in the van with a kid who couldn't or wouldn't (non-verbal kids do get ornery) get comfortable in a wheelchair and was then slipping down on a cot that I secured in the van, I'm not ready yet to describe the ABR experience. I'm sure the movies we got him to watch in the van lacked enough blond-female skin to make him pissy; "Bridesmaids" didn't quite pass muster. So I thought I would post about toilets seats and fleecing handicapped kids' parents. Here's why we are always broke.
Adam uses a commode with a soft seat (because he has a bony ass) and a splash guard. Only parents of handicapped kids know about splash guards, so don't ask. So here is how we get fleeced by manufacturers of "medical " equipment and I use the word loosely. I'll let the reader put the pieces together.
COMMODE: (steel, portable, solid stable) $40.00 US dollars
SOFT SEAT REDUCER RING WITH SLASH GUARD ( a bit of of soft rubber)
$320.00 - $220.00 (same item two sellers) US dollars
Just the blue ring, folks, nothing else
Adam's ring is a flashier blue!
BTW, the protrusion upward is the "splash guard" |
Let's see $320.00 US or 338.00 euros or 333.00$ Canadian loonies or 205 British pounds or 1191.00 new shekels or 329 Australian dollars, etc. We all know who's really getting wiped and it's not the kids!
CONCLUSION: A new toilet seat for the kid means MickeyD's for mom and dad! Ah, the injustice which pervades the universe....