Wednesday, September 8, 2010

For The Long Haul

One day we were a highly functioning, tightly knit family - two professional parents with two beautiful and active children. Then, a significant life-altering event occurs, the near-drowning of our youngest child, Adam Dzialo. We found ourselves regrouping around a severely brain-injured child. We have been involved in this dance for more than twelve years now. We know about the highs and the lows, the light and the darkness, the confusion and the wisdom. We also know that there are other families who have experienced similar challenges. Our old life, based on family, work and community connections has vanished and we have found it necessary to create a new life and community for Adam and ourselves.

By initiating this blog, we reach out to others who have experienced similar realities and challenges. We choose to keep Adam at home with us, providing a rich and enlightening life for all of us. We are willing to share our story, our strategies and our good and bad days.

Some of our future blogs will include:

  • understanding the reality of near-drowning events, possible and probable outcomes
  • the concept of "extreme care giving"
  • the financial realities of caring for the severely disabled in the home
  • the world of therapeutic options, alternatives to western medical ideology
  • confronting service systems "intended" to provide help and assistance
  • perspective and balance in one's inner and outer life


  1. For all of those that visit this Blog...Listen and Learn...these are my Heroes...I will be forever grateful that they are in my life

  2. LOVE your blog! I will be following and look forward ti your book! Adam looks great!

  3. Great start! I look forward to watching this blog develop and learning more! You have so much to share with others who can benefit enormously from all you have learned with Adam. Thanks!
