Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 1998 . . . Born Again!

Better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness (Old Chinese  proverb)


  1. A lot of good karma goes out into the world thanks to you and your family.

  2. I love this proverb! Blessing to Adam and all of your family on this anniversary!

  3. The Universe is much better organized than we can imagine...the intricate connections pervade our existance whether we are able to see them or not; as Jung put it, "called or not, God is there". These definable interactions are like a precise mechanization and nothing is let to chance, all merely acting out their nature. Our thoughts on the matter appear to be the only thing strange. Our lives connect just as they should.
    I wish for you all continued fortitude. As the 'I ching' always seems to repeat to me, "perseverance furthers".

  4. mhk: Thanks, been hoping to accumulate some karma points, as I am sure you are. They next time through should be easier although not as exciting.

    Sue: Thank you and we also send you guys our blessing, energy and tons of white light.

    Eric: Thanks, for the wishes and we both will persevere. I am very pleased about the magical inter-connectedness which occurs and it never stops amazing me...I am grateful to have yourself and Segev touching our lives

  5. I thought of you, your wife and dear Adam all day today -- I am still reading your remarkable book and marveling at your resilience, your courage under fire, your love. I went into labor with my son Henry on this day in 1998 -- thirteen years have brought our families together somewhat, and I am grateful for that.

  6. Elizabeth: Again, thanks for all your kindness. We light candles, did ceremonies and it is beginning to feel that the power of the universe is beginning to coalesce for us all. Warmest regards!

  7. Hugs! and Kisses from us to you all and one for Ollie too! xxx we lit all the candles we had:) (Brave for me in wooden house, I'm used to BRICKS!) Hope you got our love and warmth from coast to coast! xxx

  8. Thanks, Mel....we also did candles and smudge; no major fires...looking forward to the coming months..warm regards to you and the clan!
