Monday, November 7, 2011

Funny Is As Funny Does....(Adult Content over 6 years old only)

       Everyone (except me) likes fall in New England.  Hurricane Irene burnt the leaves, so no color but brown.  Dark when you wake up, dark when you go to bed.  My koi are hibernating so you can't watch them swim around.  Flowers and garden are dead.  And it's cold early...I could go on, but why be shitty.
       So to make my self happy, I am posting my favorite FB shares: they never fail to bring a smile.  Hope one of them makes your day!  If you live where the sun is shining and it's warm and you don't have a disabled kid and a dog who "honks" at 4:00 am, you don't need this post.  Others maybe helped.....

I can't take credit for any of these creations, but then I don't know who to attribute them to.......


  1. Yes, I needed that smidgen of humour ... It's been a dull week. Thanks Phil!!

  2. My favourite..the soul and the sarcasm! Thanks for these Phil!

  3. I spit put my tea laughing so hard!
    these are wonderful...thanks !

  4. My favorite are sexual relations and wine, probably in reverse order. And Phil, what you call fall and winter down the cape has to be child's play compared to your old haunts west of the Ct. River. More vulverable to hurricanes and howling winter storms at your new locations, but you survived irene very nicely. You are right about the foliage. It also sucked last year down the Cape.

  5. Nice to hear from you, my friend. Glad to have added a bit of humor to your life. You're right..we have been spared the ravages of nature and will continue to be spared...because I said so!

  6. Regarding last week's post, it was good to hear that you both got away for a bit to relieve stress and replenish your weary bodies, minds, and souls. Although I preferred your idea of a break Phil, as described by Sharon, she was rewarded with someone's magic hands. Nothing like it. There always seems to be someone around with healing touch....if only we allow to happen.

  7. Thanks for sharing these Phil! I hope you were smiling as you posted them. I never liked the shorter days either and although I loved the fall colors when I lived on the mainland, brown is not my favorite color. Sending you Hawaii sunshine and blue skies for a happier day.
    Stop by my blog to pick them up. I just revamped both blogs, so there are blue skies and sunlight on both.
