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Ozzie, the duck |
I have recently read numerous posts by fellow bloggers about the invisibility of the disabled and the continued stigmatization of people with handicaps. I wondered why. Various theories and models are spun in a genuine search for understanding and a thirst to educate the general populace. Today, I was struck by a bolt of something. Ozzie, the Westfield Park resident Muscovy duck, was murdered by some teen morons.
Don't get me wrong! I think that this was a totally detestable action which cannot be explained away by youth. These teens were neither endowed with intelligence, nor compassion, nor any other positive human quality. I believe they should be apprehended as quickly as possible and castrated so that their mutated genetic material cannot be passed on to anyone with whom they may unfortunately copulate and ultimately inseminate. Just cut their balls off!
Now do get me right! This story is three days old. It was in the Western Massachusetts papers, local and statewide television stations and New England Regional Newspapers (Boston Globe). Police are out in force looking to apprehend four idiot teens and now there is a reward being offered for information. People are aghast! The media blitz is ceaseless. Now people have established an Ozzie Fund.
The park ranger told us about how Ozzie took up residence three years ago and never migrated to Mexico, like he is supposed to. Everyone fed the fella! The teens are accused of venting "blood lust"; "taking advantage of the trust of an innocent animal"; and, "oh, my god, the poor baby!". I know that a Facebook page has been created for Ozzie to get the duck justice. And, on and on, new television shows, new articles in the media and wailing and crying continue daily.
Then I thought about some of the outrageous crimes directed at the disabled that I have both written about in this blog and continue to read about. Usually, one page hidden away, usually no follow-up, usually no outcry for justice! What the fuck! Something is wrong with the media and something is wrong with people in general.
- My post about abuse and rape of the disabled in New York group homes. Outcry, follow-up, sanctions, tv specials, etc? Nada.
- A guest post on my blog about parents who are out-raged because their precious kids have to take small precautions to save the life of a child with a severe peanut allergy.
- The disabled are the most likely population to be the target of serious crime
- An autistic boy is murdered by his care giver in a New York group home. No follow up stories or great sense of outrage!
- Or, if you like, 50 stories of abuse of the disabled from a single source.
- Or a 26 year old with CP who had multiple fractures from his care givers in a nursing home in Florida.
- And other references are available ad infinitum on the web. Just google "abuse of the disabled."
So why is the world in an outrage about a duck and not repeated instances of abuse of the disabled? The disabled are also innocent, trusting, responsive to kindness and susceptible to abuse by strangers. I am plagued by the indifference of the media and the general populace. I am plagued by this dis-ease of invisibility. I am plagued by the lack of rational explanation for this pervasive injustice.
This post is a partial purge, interrupted by a lack of explanation or model. I am hoping in the follow-up post to examine some principles of evolutionary psychology in an attempt to explain the unforgivable...the invisibility of the disabled and the indifference of the general populace.
I don't know, Phil. I feel as if there is constant coverage of atrocities - and the real problem is that the murder of beloved ducks and the dissolution of Kim Kardashian's marriage and the plight of the disabled are all given equal coverage.
ReplyDeleteFight on.
Dear Phil.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that you need to start a book of quotes.... I would love a copy for sure. My favourite one today was:
"I believe they should be apprehended as quickly as possible and castrated so that their mutated genetic material cannot be passed on to anyone with whom they may unfortunately copulate and ultimately inseminate. Just cut their balls off!"
I couldn't agree more, I really do feel sorry for the poor duck. But like you say, it's all the crimes that media really don't care about at all = US and our gorgeous children/adults. Everyday someone is mean or Short with a person of special needs that itself is a crime against humanity....
I only myself dipped in the realm of Disability for 2 weeks, and I was almost reported to the police, short changed, got rubbish service and it was my Oatie who stuck up for me (when I couldn't speak). Mind you I did go back and give them each a piece of my mind when I could speak LOL! they weren't expecting that! How DARE they take advantage of people who they think that they can get away with.
As much as David Cammeron is the best PM for decades for the UK. His son had CP who sadly died from his condition. But I had a glimmer of hope that he would bring the challenges that we have as parents and the woes and the struggles that we and the people we care for out in the forefront and in the eyes of the nation and the media. And when forgotten bring it up again and again to get people to sit up and listen.
I would have thought that personal first hand insight of their son, would let them use their position of Authority in a more conducive way about acceptance and as nations we should do more to help the people in our society who need it.
P.S love the new backdrop xox
ReplyDeleteWarning: wet with cynicism
ReplyDeleteWe are a society of head nodders Phil. Also don't forget that we don't want to deal with serious issues because we know beforehand that requires investment of heart and soul, a great effort in other words. And investing one's heart and soul makes you a loser in society because while you are doing that others are 'getting ahead'.
Those that don't get it never will and those that get it lament this horrible situation. Nothing has changed since the days of the old testament. Strike that. Relative to our vast experience and technological abilities, we are more primitive than old testament days.
Sharon's guest post, "Why" comes to mind for me here.
ReplyDeleteI was brought to tears by the last paragraph of this post Phil.
Thank you for your words, heartfelt, and most appropriately harsh.
Always, MB
Nothing makes sense - and I'm too tired to understand.
ReplyDeleteOh, I almost forgot, congrats on the refreshed blog view!
ReplyDelete"These teens were neither endowed with intelligence, nor compassion, nor any other positive human quality. I believe they should be apprehended as quickly as possible and castrated so that their mutated genetic material cannot be passed on to anyone with whom they may unfortunately copulate and ultimately inseminate. Just cut their balls off!"
ReplyDeleteWow, I hope you're being hyperbolic, because that's some awfully hateful language over a shitty but ultimately minor crime.
That said, your thesis that there are worse abuses going on is spot on. Great post.
@Anonymous...yes, hyperbole, ranting language, exaggeration, but these kids deserve a serious in-jail punishment. Cruelty to an animal is a grave offense against nature. In this case an offense against the many people that loved the duck. It is well known that people who main animals as kids go onto main and kill adults ...it's the beginning of joy killing. THIS IS NOT A MINOR CRIME!
ReplyDeletePhil: People should be outraged about cruelty to animals because it is a sign of corresponding cruelty in general. But, I do think the average Joe/Jane jumps on these more minor bandwagons because the subject is gone now and past care. Most disabled people-including my severelly autistic son-need daily constant attention. The daily constant is beyond the sympathetic reach of most, it seems. I should probably stop reading comments on any awful event related to disability because some of them are so disheartening. If the child/adult was in a facilty, the commenters blame the family for not keeping him at home. If the child/adult was home, the commenters say he should have been in a facility. Several of them believe that the family should have "magically cured' the child/adult with this diet or that treatment. It can get you down, but I try to keep my spirits up by handliing each day as best I can.
ReplyDeleteMarie, what you have communicated is so very true; it's also very sad, but so true. We wish there was a magic bullet, but there is none. The magic comes from our daily commitment to our kids and, yes, keeping up our spirits, no matter what it takes. Thanks for joining the conversation.