Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chloe ... The Passing of a Friend

R.I.P. December 31, 2011


       Events happen suddenly, without warning....they say that death is part of the natural cycle of life; they say that death is a passing on to a better place; they say that upon arriving at the rainbow bridge there are friends, meadows, scampering friends; they say there is no suffering, no pain, just pure joy,  Many have written poems of consolation.
       Chloe came into our lives shortly after Adam's accident.  She never left our side, often sat in Adam's lap as we took them for walks along the ocean. Chloe was never the healthiest but always feisty.  She was loyal, an attribute that I could ascribe to only a few people.  She loved to explore outside, to wrestle with Ollie and staunchly protect her stash of food.  She loved to be with us and made the trip to Montreal for ABR training.  No one was ever more excited to see you than Chloe...enthusiasm always abounded even on the last morning.
       Chloe has a collapsed trachea, common to small breeds.  Every morning we woke to her "honking"; clearing the throat and lungs; every morning except this one...the first day of a new year.
        Chloe passed quickly, unable to breathe, unable to get comfortable last evening...suffering was not prolonged.  She knew, I knew.  She died snuggled in my arms, that is how she wanted it. It is how I wanted it to be.  I told her it was ok to leave, and to follow white and blue lights as these would lead her home. She knew it was ok to leave, that's the way it should be. She knew we would be together again. Death should be safe and secure.  It should be peaceful and chosen at the appropriate time...the time had come and it was peaceful.
        We did not lose a dog, we did not lose a pet....we lost a friend.  If there is a tragedy, it is that I could not feel the same level of anguish about most people I know because they know so little about unconditional love, about loyalty, and about "being there".  Yes, I lost my friend, plain and simple.

'Till we meet again, my friend


  1. I am sorry Phil. Your kindness to her will not go unnoticed in the energetic world.

  2. Thanks for the gracious words and thoughts, Claire. I know you understand!

  3. I am so sad to read this, Phil. Please tell Sharon and Adam that we send out love and condolences.

  4. So sorry to hear about your loss. Taske care Phil, Sharon and Adam. You are in my prayers.

  5. Carolyn and Susan: thank you for the very kind sentiments. The consolation was that it happened quickly, at home in security, and in our arms. The universe took her with grace and dignity ... the grief will be there for awhile, as it always is.

  6. We are so sorry...believe it or not we were watching beverly hills chihuahua...when i phoned sharon...may Chloe and Rudy be in beverly hills heaven forever

  7. How blessed you all are. Chloe to received such unconditional love; the family to receive such unconditional love. Perfection in every way. What a magnificent way to be ushered into one's next phase of existence, lovingly and safely held by the one you love. Thanks for sharing. I will miss Chloe. Right now remembering the interactions we had and smiling. Sweet journey dear Chloe. Jenny

  8. Pam: thanks, yes there is a place of spirit where we ill meet again...sure if it!

    Jenn: I hope that all of our journeys "there" are marked with same peace and was in ideal way to be ushered and guided into a higher life.

  9. I am so sorry, Phil. Such sorrow. So, so sorry for your loss of dear Chloe.

  10. Elizabeth: Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy; it's much appreciated.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Chloe. Sounds like she was one of a kind.

  12. Anna, yes she was quite unique in the entire...her life was about loyalty to the very end...a unique quality even among us humans.

  13. I am so sad to hear your news - treasured friends like that are unique. Your description of death was both comforting and painful for me as my mother is in her final stages of this life. I don't think we can ever prepare ourselves for those losses. As you described ... "it should be safe and secure. It should be peaceful and chosen at the appropriate time ...". I will keep this thought with me to give me strength at the moment. As you mentioned, we don't have many 'special' beings in our lives and the ones who have nurtured and treasured us 'though all' deserve everything and more. Will be thinking of you.

  14. Marcelle, thank you. The loss of a parent is so difficult. In my case with my Chloe, I knew it would happen perhaps six hours earlier and I had the chance to grieve deeply while she was alive helped with the later grief. It's a long process, I will keep you in my thoughts and in my heart. I send you the energy that when your mother's time arrives it is a serene. My life lesson was to tell Chloe it was ok to leave me and not to have to hang on (told my mom the same when she passed). It's like people need our permission. Also I told her to follow the white light so that the spirit is not confused in it's travel. My warmth and blessings to you. I am a bit confused as I talk about people and animals passing in similar ways, but we are the universe's creatures...beautiful, perfect and purposeful.

  15. Dearest Phil & Sharon,
    My deep condolences.
    The unconditional love brought into your hearts by Chloe
    is an immeasureable halo that has held and consoled you,
    comforted and companioned you
    through the rough terrain of this life.
    Your hearts are indeed broken-open by this love.
    and may her halo continue to guide and protect you
    even as her physical form transforms...
    Holding you deep

  16. Terri,
    Thanks, your words are powerful and rich with the meanings we hold so dearly. Our blessings to you...

  17. Dear Phil,

    Sorry to hear about Chloe, she sounded like an amazing friend. She was so beautiful, what a sweetheart.

    We too give our furry Friends the same status as humans get as to me, they are often way better beings than other human folk!

    Sending you the hugest hugs,


  18. Mel, thanks, you're cyber hugs are always appreciated...especially at a time like this. Why do I sometimes think that these furry beings are a highly evolved form of us human beings. In a way, we all strive to attain their qualities of unconditional love, complete trust and loyalty. Warm wishes to Oatie, yourself and the whole family.

  19. Hugs and blessings to all of you. I know it is hard and I know you will miss her. I shared my life with a siberian husky for 15 years and he was there for me more than most people too. Hug Ollie and remember the good times you had with Chloe.

  20. Sue, thanks for the kindness...I believe that we will again be with our special friends. If only mankind could lean this quality of unconditional love...what a world we would have for our kids. Ollie is still looking around the house for his buddy and leaves food around hoping to draw her out. I want to come back in the next life as a pet, not as a human. Blessings to all !

  21. I'm sorry for you and Sharon, Phil. Some changes we could definitely do without. Animals in our lives help to keep our focus on the basics of love, simple and uncluttered, pure. I still have two dogs, one is 17 years old, but I've decided that I've lost too many over the years and can't see myself expending the energy for a new member of the family. On the other hand all animals I've welcomed have been strays and outcasts brought into our lives by a willingness to accept and that will hopefully never leave.

  22. Our animals, as you say, are the embodiment of that which is pure and unconditional...I have learned so much from mine over the years. Most of ours were also "special needs" reality, I do not think that they ever leave...Blessings to you and your family....

  23. Thank you, Phil; this was helpful, to know we're not alone in our deep, abiding love for our companions and the heartbreak at saying goodbye. I'm sorry for your family's loss.

  24. Thankyou for sending me the link to read this again. This is how I felt about Charley. How we all felt about Charley. Not everyone gets it. But I take comfort from your words.
