Monday, April 9, 2012

ABR Evaluation, April 2012

       We were able to participate in a two hour evaluation of the history of Adam's progress over the past year of ABR (Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation).  Leonid Blyum, through a pictorial history of Adam's body was able to demonstrate the changes in his core stability, thoracic expansion, vertebral lengthening and pelvic floor adjustment. Positive changes in the strengthening of the myofascia, which supports all structures in the body, also presents future  challenges which need to be addressed.
        We were fortunate to share our evaluation with the many members of the ABR international team from South America, Europe, Canada, Hong Kong and a guest and friend from Hawaii.

Sharon Dzialo, Leonid Blyum (developer), Annie LaChaud (Director ABR Canada),
Sarah Lee (Director ABR Singapore), Diane Vincentz (Director ABR Demnark),
Gavin Broomes (ABR , Argentina) review Leonid's photo records from
the past years.

Leonid explains how Adam's respiratory compartments have expanded from the upper thorax
to the lower thorax...a deeper breathing, which also brings up and out years of
accumulated "gunk" in the lungs.  Not pretty to look at, but it's a transformational landscape
based upon excavation of submerged and rigid structures.  This "archaeological dig" takes
years to extract the vertebral column and unglue intercostals, but it is working its magic.

Ball rolling along the vertebral column and also along the illiac-sacral triangle
has allowed Adam to sit more squarely in the chair for longer periods of time.

Gavin Broomes (Argentina) and Sarah Lee (Singapore) video
Adam's evaluation by Leonid for training purposes at  their respective
ABR centers

Leonid examining upper thoracic division developing in
Adam's C-7 and shoulder blade areas which need further
"excavation" and extraction for core stability

        The evaluation highlighted many positive changes in Adam's core strength, head stability, respiratory capacity (especially in the lower thoracic areas), increases in the spaces between the vertebra in the dural column, and a stabilization of the pre-existing pelvic tilt.  
        Also the evaluation indicates that work needs to continue on the intercostals, dural tube, area between C-7 and the shoulder blade, the occipital area, and the space between C-7 and the should blade.  Much emphasis will be also placed on the anterior thorax and continuing work on the illac-sacral triangle.  
        Interesting to note is the fact that in a traumatic brain injury the body loses its motor map, which needs to be regained.  Two legs are treated as one because of the loss of a motor mapping; two arms lack differentiation and compartmentalization...many projects to work on.  The latter notions seem to be consistent with the theory and work of Anat Baniel who trained with Moshe Feldenkrais.  This is another piece of the complexity of Traumatic Brain Injury: the body needs to re-learn its motor map.
        The following post will focus on the prescriptions and exercises for the next six months.


  1. Phil, this whole process of rehabilitation and recovery is intriguing. The complexities of the human body are so much more indepth than what I realised. Adam seems so at ease with the treatments - he obviously feels relief. Thank you for sharing the photographs. I would never have been aware of this treatment if it weren't for you. Even though Royce is not receiving it I find what you are providing for Adam quite remarkable and interesting to learn about.

  2. Dear Phil,

    Looks brilliant, I love it when there's a plan ! So glad the Eval etc went great! OMG Adam's physique looks even better than last time! I know that you would have seen that from the comparisson photos, but just as soon as I loaded the page It just looked brill!

    We go in 15 days!


