Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back to "Normal"....

        The wedding is over!  The elections are over!  Sandy the hurricane and the latest nor-easter have passed.   Looking forward to getting back to normal, whatever normal may bring in the coming days...We live in a residential neighborhood near the ocean ...maybe the wind dropped him or her in after the last storm?  On second thought, must be a her.
A visitor to our home on November 9, 2012
Just back to "normal"

I know she's saying something to me, wonder what it is?  Or who is it?


  1. Well it's not me Lol! I bet she's asking if you'd fancy a cup of tea!!!

  2. Well it's not me Lol! I bet she's asking if you'd fancy a cup of tea!!!

  3. Then, Mel, a cup of tea it shall be....

  4. It's a deal... Now I wish I was her so, I could hug you Adam and Sharon in person :))

  5. I don't think kitkat would mInd if I was her either... Lol!

  6. Thanks, Mel, and right back at the whole bunch of y'all!
